14:[2,#b],42:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT ONE 10. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 15 EXT. NEW YORK STREET - DAY (STOCK) Establishing. 16 INT. MAGAZINE OFFICE The brain center of Incredible Tales -- a fairly successful science fiction magazine of the time. The walls are lined with blown-up covers of past issues. A series of small cubbyhole offices line the room, with a larger, glass-enclosed office in the back. This belongs to the magazine's editor, Douglas Pabst. In the center of the room is a round table where the writers gather, get their assignments and basically shoot the breeze. At the moment, there are three people at the table: JULIUS and KAY EATON (Bashir and Kira without her Bajoran nose and earring), a husband and wife writing team, are seated drinking coffee. Julius is a refined, elegantly dressed Englishman wearing an ascot, a cigarette holder clutched in his hand. His wife, Kay, sits perched on a table. She's a no-nonsense attractive woman, with a cutting sense of humor. Also present is HERBERT ROSSOFF (Quark without makeup), as opinionated and feisty a gent that ever set pen to paper. He's also the best writer of the group and he knows it. CLOSE ON Julius and Kay at the table. Kay is carefully spooning in two tablespoons of a granulated mixture into a glass pitcher of water. She stirs the mixture and the water turns a tannish brown. KAY Voila. A pitcher of plain water instantly becomes a pitcher of ice tea. JULIUS (impressed) Incredible.