165:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - TEASER 9. 13 CONTINUED: VENDOR (Cont'd) (making the sound of gunfire) ... shooting down those zeros. If it had been flying saucers... forget about it. (re: the magazine) So you gonna buy that or not? Benny searches his pockets for some change. ALBERT (O.S.) Benny. 14 NEW ANGLE on ALBERT MACKLIN (O'Brien), an ex-mechanical engineer turned sci-fi writer. Macklin is an extremely intelligent but diffident fellow, who never seems to be able to finish a sentence. A pipe smoker, he's constantly patting down his pockets for the ever- elusive book of matches. BENNY Hello, Albert. ALBERT (patting his pockets) I thought... that is if you're on the way to the office... BENNY (finishing the sentence) ... we could walk there together? ALBERT Exactly. Benny hands Albert a pack of matches. ALBERT Ah, there they are. And as they walk off together, we PULL BACK WIDE to see the bustling city street, and: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER