68:[1,#b],199:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - TEASER 8. 12 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I don't know yet. (to Sisko) But I'd like you to remain overnight for observation. SISKO Are you sure that's necessary? BASHIR Absolutely. Take a look at these readings -- Bashir hands a PADD to Sisko. Sisko looks down at it -- 13 SISKO'S POV to see the PADD has become: Galaxy, a fifties sci-fi pulp magazine. VENDOR (O.S.) You gonna buy that or not? PULL BACK to REVEAL Sisko -- or rather, BENNY RUSSELL, as he will now be known -- standing by a newsstand in the same New York street we saw before. But this time, Benny is wearing a suit appropriate to the era. (Note: Benny is a separate individual from Ben Sisko. He has none of his thoughts, memories, or attitudes. He's a black man in early fifties America.) The newsstand VENDOR is a tough, street-smart New Yorker (Nog without his makeup). VENDOR Personally, I don't see the attraction. Spaceships, flying saucers, men from Mars... BENNY What's wrong with men from Mars? VENDOR Nothing, except it's all make- believe. Me -- I like war stories. Did you see From Here to Eternity? Burt Lancaster standing there, in the middle of Pearl Harbor... machine gun blazing...