DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - TEASER 6. 7 ON SISKO standing by Kasidy, a little dumbfounded. KASIDY Ben? SISKO Who was that? KASIDY Who was who? Sisko looks at Kasidy, sees she's telling the truth. There's something very wrong here and Sisko's determined to get to the bottom of it. Sisko hurries over to door where the ballplayer disappeared. KASIDY (calling after him) Ben -- where are you going? But Sisko's attention is on the door. He keys in the override code on the door panel and the door OPENS to reveal -- 8 EXT. NEW YORK STREET - DAY It's a mid-town Manhattan street, circa 1953. CARS, TAXIS, PEDESTRIANS -- predominantly caucasian. 9 ON SISKO as he takes a step INTO the strange surroundings trying to grasp what he sees. 10 WIDER Sisko is standing in the middle of the street, still trying to make sense of what he sees. Is this a back door to a holosuite? But before he can figure out what's going on, a HORN BLASTS as a taxicab comes SCREECHING toward him. Sisko jumps out of the way, but the cab clips him, knocking him to the ground. People rush all around him, as Sisko lies in the middle of the street.