DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - TEASER 2. 1A CONTINUED: There's something Sisko wants to say that he's having difficulty articulating. SISKO Dad... I'm not sure... JOSEPH Just say it, son. SISKO I just don't know how many friends I can lose. Every time I think I've achieved a real victory... something like this happens and it all turns to ashes. JOSEPH So what do you want to do? SISKO Maybe it's time for me to step down... let someone else make the tough calls. JOSEPH I see. (a beat) Well, no one's indispensable, son. Not even you. (a beat) Whatever decision you make, I'll support it. (a beat) Of course, if Quentin Swofford was here... I'd bet he'd have a few things to say to you.