STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" - REV. 11/12/97 - ACT FOUR 49. 57A CONTINUED: (3) DUKAT Yes! He turns to his chorus. DUKAT (continuing) That's right, isn't it?! They all nod. DUKAT I knew it! I've always known it! (at the top of his lungs) I should've killed every last one of them and turned their planet into a graveyard the likes of which the galaxy had never seen! A beat passes as Dukat lets the rage and fury subside for a moment. He stands there, catching his breath... and when he speaks again, it's with the quiet resolution of a man who's always known the truth, but has never let himself say it out loud. DUKAT (quiet, resolved) I should've killed them all. Suddenly, the METAL BAR comes crashing down on Dukat's skull and he drops down to the ground. 58 SISKO stands over him for a moment. He's unsteady on his feet, badly hurt and weak, but even now we can see the contempt and loathing he feels for the man now sprawled unconscious before him. (Dukat has fallen on the phaser, and Sisko can't get it.) SISKO (quiet) And that... is why you're not an evil man? Sisko staggers out of the cavern and EXITS to the tunnel with all the energy he can muster. A few quiet seconds pass, and then...