152:[4,#b] STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" - REV. 11/12/97 - ACT THREE 38. 53 CONTINUED: DAX I thought I picked up another distress signal. But now it's gone. 54 INT. CAVERN - NIGHT Dukat is picking up a piece of long metal from the wreckage of the com system. He calmly and slowly walks over toward Sisko, who's still leaning against the wall, virtually helpless. Dukat's voice is icy calm. DUKAT You know Benjamin, I thought we had established a level of trust between us. But I was wrong. And if there's one thing I can't abide... it's betrayal. He looks down at Sisko with a sad smile for a moment... then he lifts the metal object and swings it down on the metallic cast on Sisko's arm, which he throws up instinctively to ward off the blow. Just as the metal object connects with the cast -- CUT TO BLACK. END OF ACT THREE