105:[1,#b] STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" - REV. 11/12/97 - ACT THREE 34. 44 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT Leave us alone. This doesn't concern you. KIRA He's patronizing you. "You were a soldier and you had to carry out your orders." He doesn't believe that lame excuse any more than I do. Dukat stands up and towers over Kira. Sisko is getting a little worried by Dukat's obvious mental instability. He tries to lure Dukat back to the here and now. 45 NEW ANGLE Showing Dukat talking to no one. DUKAT This is growing tiresome. SISKO Dukat? Dukat! I thought you wanted to talk to me. DUKAT Yes, but Nerys won't leave well enough alone. She's always interfering, always trying to upset me. SISKO Maybe we should just ignore her. Pretend the... major's not even here. Dukat thinks about that for a moment, tries to settle himself. 46 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Worf is in command when Dax reacts to her console. DAX I'm picking up two humanoid lifeforms on the surface.