STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" - REV. 11/12/97 - ACT THREE 30. 41 CONTINUED: DUKAT Not at all. Someone's bound to pick up our signal any time now. But I see no reason why we shouldn't be comfortable in the meantime. Sisko gives him a faint smile. Now that he knows Dukat was lying about the beacon all along, Sisko has to be on guard against Dukat, but at the same time doesn't want to let Dukat know that he's on to him. Dukat finishes arranging the cushion. DUKAT There. How's that? Sisko leans back against the cushion. SISKO It's fine. Thanks. Dukat throws a cushion on a nearby rock for himself and sits down. DUKAT Much better. (beat) You know when I was out there in the shuttle just now, it occurred to me that the Bajorans would be very confused if they could see us here... sharing the same food, the same hardships. What do you think they would say if they knew the Emissary of the Prophets and the "evil" Gul Dukat were here getting along like the two old friends they really are? (beat) Oh, I forgot. You don't think of me as an old friend, do you? Sisko doesn't want to get into this conversation and says nothing. But Dukat is clearly after something and he keeps going. DUKAT It's all right. There's just the two of us here...