STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" - REV. 11/12/97 - ACT THREE 28. 34 INT. CAVERN - NIGHT Sisko is working feverishly on the com system, which has been opened once again. The fire is going again and Dukat is nowhere to be seen. WORF (V.O.) (continuing) We have less than twelve hours before we must abandon the search and rendezvous with the troop convoy. 35 INSERT - COM SYSTEM INTERIOR MONITOR Sisko is using a small metal SLIVER he's improvised into a tool to work the circuitry, but the monitor still says, "SYSTEM OFF-LINE." (The sliver is a broken tine from a metal fork in the survival kit.) 36 SISKO keeps glances back toward the tunnel as he works. 37 INSERT - COM SYSTEM INTERIOR MONITOR Sisko makes a final adjustment with the sliver and the monitor suddenly GOES BLANK. 38 SISKO reacts -- what happened? He puts the sliver in his mouth and reaches inside the case again.