STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" - REV. 11/12/97 - ACT TWO 20. 14 CONTINUED: (5) DUKAT Major Kira knows full well that I made every effort to heal the wounds between Cardassia and Bajor. It was my intention from the very beginning to rectify the mistakes of the past and begin a new chapter in our relations. Dukat looks at Sisko and awaits a reaction. After a pause, Sisko points to the pepper in Dukat's hand. SISKO Are you going to put that in my soup? Dukat almost lets his temper flare, but then a more good-natured smile makes its way to his face. He taps some of the pepper into the soup. Sisko samples it again. DUKAT Well? SISKO (considered) Better. Dukat goes back to his own bowl. DUKAT You're not going to give me the benefit of the doubt, are you? SISKO Does it matter what I think? DUKAT Don't you care about what your old friends think of you? Sisko pauses before taking another mouthful of soup and gives Dukat a very blunt look. SISKO Dukat. We're not old friends. You saved my life and I'm grateful. But that's as far as it goes.