DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FIVE 51A. 42A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'm talking about when you had to decide whether or not to meet with the Dominion. I'm sure it wasn't easy -- I know you wanted to try to save as many lives as possible. (smiles) It's probably what makes you such a good doctor. BASHIR Fortunately this doctor's also a Starfleet Officer. Bashir mulls it over for a moment -- BASHIR We thought we were so smart. We actually believed we could predict the future. (beat) It's my fault, not theirs. I should never have let things go so far. I guess I was just too bent on proving to the world that they have something to contribute. O'Brien considers for a beat... O'BRIEN They did contribute, Julian. (off Bashir's look) Seems to me we were starting to get a little too complacent about the Dominion. We may have driven them back into Cardassian space, but that doesn't mean we've beaten them. Bashir looks at his friend, grateful for his perspective... BASHIR I only hope we can... O'BRIEN The odds may not be good, but all we can do is take our best shot. And with that, O'Brien moves away. A beat as Bashir considers his words, then he turns and heads for the Dabo table...