DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 39. 31 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Sir, if you don't add your voice to this, they'll reject it out of hand. SISKO I'm counting on it. Bashir can see that he's lost, but he can't resist saying one last thing. BASHIR So we go down fighting... (sardonic) How terribly courageous of us. And with that, he turns and EXITS. Off Sisko as he watches him go... 32 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL where we find a grim Bashir standing at the rail, looking down at the crowd below. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. He watches as people go about their daily lives, and we can see that he's thinking that many of them are going to die needlessly. A long moment, then he heads toward Quark's... 32A INT. QUARK'S where Bashir and O'Brien are at the bar having a drink. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. Bashir has shown O'Brien the team's analysis and is waiting for a response. BASHIR Well? O'BRIEN (off PADD) Pretty grim. BASHIR It's not grim, it's hopeless. (quiet, so no one can hear) We can't beat them, Miles. O'BRIEN (having to admit it) Doesn't look like it, does it?