DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FOUR 38. 31 CONTINUED: SISKO I don't accept it. Your entire argument is based on a series of statistical probabilities and assumptions. BASHIR They're more than just assumptions. If you want me to take you through the equations, I will. SISKO (emotion rising) Even if I knew what was going to happen with one hundred percent certainty, I still wouldn't ask an entire generation of people to give up their freedom. BASHIR Not even to save nine hundred billion lives? SISKO Surrender is not an option. I'm happy to hear your group's advice on how to win this war... I don't need advice on how to lose it. BASHIR But there's no way we can win, sir. SISKO (right back at him) I don't care if the odds are against us. If we lose, we're going to go down fighting -- that way, when our descendents rise up against the Dominion someday, they'll know what they're made of. BASHIR With all due respect, sir, you're letting your pride get in the way. Sisko has had enough -- SISKO All right, doctor. You've made your recommendation. I'll pass it on to Starfleet Command.