DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT THREE 35F. 27G CONTINUED: BASHIR (enjoying this) They're very insightful. (beat) They have a way of seeing things that other people don't. O'Brien smiles, still a bit embarrassed over what happened in the team dorm. O'BRIEN (tossing a dart) And saying things other people don't. Bashir smiles knowingly -- BASHIR They are a bit candid, aren't they? O'BRIEN I'll say. BASHIR The funny thing is, I'm actually starting to enjoy their company. As O'Brien steps away from the line, Bashir steps up to throw, forgetting for a moment that he's supposed to stand father back. O'BRIEN Un-uh. Back here. Bashir smiles, takes a few steps back. BASHIR (taking aim) You know what I've been thinking? Starfleet Command would do all right by taking them on as an advisory team. Bashir gives him a "what do you think?" look, and O'Brien isn't so sure... O'BRIEN I don't know. It's a little hard to picture them in a room with a bunch of admirals. (can't resist) -- unless they're going to teach them how to dance.