DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT THREE 35E. 27D CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Ready. And as they head for the door... 27E OMITTED 27F INT. QUARK'S - CLOSE ON THE DART BOARD as a DART hits it. 27G NEW ANGLE to REVEAL Bashir and O'Brien playing DARTS. The doctor, as always, is expected to stand farther back from the board. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. O'BRIEN Sorry about that. The last thing I meant to do was upset anyone. BASHIR (taking aim) It's all right. The only reason Patrick got emotional is because he likes you so much. O'BRIEN (surprised) He does? BASHIR They all do. O'BRIEN Because I got rid of that noise? BASHIR It's more than that. They find you very comfortable to be around. I think the word Jack used was "uncomplicated." O'BRIEN (not sure about this) Uncomplicated.