DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT THREE 35. 27 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR It has to do with non-linear dynamics. Small-scale fluctuations tend to factor out over time. The net result is that -- SISKO (stopping him) Doctor, why don't you go back to the beginning and take me through it step by step, nice and easy. Bashir smiles, pleased that the group's work has Sisko's attention -- BASHIR Gladly, sir. And off this moment... 27A INT. CARGO BAY/TEAM DORM as a BOTTLE of champagne POPS open -- 27B REVEAL Bashir pouring GLASSES for the others -- BASHIR The captain said he was going to take our analyses to Starfleet Command right away. Jack grins, strokes his beard happily; Lauren stretches luxuriously. JACK Imagine that, Starfleet Command. LAUREN (relishing the thought) All those admirals. Patrick comes away from the replicator wearing a party HAT and carrying HATS for everyone else PATRICK It's a party! As Patrick starts handing out the hats --