DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/1/97 - ACT TWO 23*. 18 CONTINUED: (2) PATRICK DAMAR (realizing) The peace we seek will He killed someone. honor their memory, and preserve the gains for LAUREN which they gave their (agreeing) lives. Someone close to him. (beat) Bashir and O'Brien exchange a look. They can't understand how Jack and the others are seeing all these things. O'BRIEN DAMAR (to Bashir) Today I challenge the How could they know that? Federation to answer my call for peace. I'm JACK ready at any time to meet (pointing at Damar) with its representatives Pretender! You don't to discuss how we can belong on that throne and bring an end to you know it. hostilities. As your leader, I pledge that I PATRICK will do everything in my Someone's making him say power to protect all this. He doesn't Cardassia and allow us want to. to move forward into a new era. (beat) This I vow with my life's blood. And with that, the transmission ENDS and the screen returns to the Cardassian emblem. Bashir looks at the group trying to understand what's happened. BASHIR Did any of you know who Damar was before today?