241:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT TWO 22* 18 CONTINUED: Jack emerges from his room to get a closer look, as if drawn by the sound of Damar's voice. Even Sarina is listening. LAUREN DAMAR Who's he? (in background) The war with the BASHIR Federation accomplished Damar -- the new head of our goals. Cardassia is the Cardassian government. strong again, an empire to be feared. We are JACK safe behind secure "Uneasy lies the head borders, and no one will that wears the crown." ever dare attack us again. Bashir has never seen the group focus on anything before, and it intrigues him. PATRICK DAMAR (with sympathy) From this position of He's sad. strength, we are poised to take another bold step LAUREN that will insure our Ashamed is more like it. future. (dramatic pause) While O'Brien listens to the speech, Bashir looks around at the group. He's not quite sure what to make of their comments. DAMAR Peace. BASHIR (a long beat) (to Lauren) Why do you say that? O'BRIEN DAMAR (to Bashir) It is time to bring an Shhh. end to this war with the Federation. It is time LAUREN for us to rebuild on the He looks like a man who foundation of strength doesn't sleep. we have laid. (beat) JACK The sons of Cardassia "Methought I heard a shed their blood to voice cry, 'Sleep no defend their home. Their more! Damar does murder sacrifice must not be in sleep!'" vain.