14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Favor the Bold" - REV. 9/5/97 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 43 EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 44 INT. WARDROOM Dukat and Weyoun are looking out the viewing port. DUKAT (pointing) There. WEYOUN Where? DUKAT Over there. That flash of light was the anti-graviton beam hitting a mine. WEYOUN (putting it together) And disabling its replication unit... DUKAT Exactly. Didn't you see it? WEYOUN I'm afraid not. DUKAT (exasperated) For months you've been demanding that I take down those mines and now that it's finally happening, you can't even see it? WEYOUN Weak eyes. Weyoun walks away from the window. DUKAT Excuse me?