DEEP SPACE NINE: "Favor the Bold" - REV. 9/5/97 - ACT THREE 39. 37 CONTINUED: JAKE From the look on your faces I can see you haven't had much luck getting Rom out of jail. QUARK And the news just keeps getting worse. JAKE It's not all bad. KIRA Trust us, Jake. It is. JAKE (confidentially) Not for me. I'm getting a message out to my Dad. Kira and Quark exchange a look. KIRA How? JAKE (cocky) I'm a reporter. I have my ways. KIRA (forceful) Jake -- this is no time for games. Jake smiles, turns and points a finger at -- 38 ANGLE ON MORN seated at a table, struggling to wrap a ribbon around a large present. KIRA (O.S.) Morn?