74:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Favor the Bold" - REV. 9/5/97 - ACT TWO 28-29. 28 INT. OPS Ziyal gets off the turbolift, looks around and heads for Dukat's office. 29 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE as it OPENS and Ziyal ENTERS, a hopeful, expectant look on her face. She steps up to Dukat and kisses him on the cheek. ZIYAL Father, I need to talk to you. DUKAT Is something wrong, my dear? ZIYAL Nothing that you can't fix. DUKAT (pleased he can help his daughter) Name it. Ziyal smiles, pleased to hear her father's attitude. ZIYAL I want you to free Rom. DUKAT You're joking. That's the first hint to Ziyal that this may not turn out the way she thought. ZIYAL Not at all. DUKAT I can't free Rom. He's been sentenced to death by the Dominion. ZIYAL You can pardon him. Don't you see, Father, this is your chance to show the Bajoran people -- to show Major Kira who you really are. A forgiving, compassionate man -- a great man.