DEEP SPACE NINE: "Favor the Bold" - REV. 9/5/97 - ACT ONE 17. 21 CONTINUED: (2) ODO I'd rather not discuss Major Kira. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I don't see why not. When we link, your feelings for her are made very clear. ODO Then why do you insist we "talk" about it? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Because talking is still important to you. But I promise you, one day it won't be. One day, the Link will be all you need. (a beat) And that day is coming soon. ODO (surprised) Is it? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (nodding) It's amazing you've survived this long without it. It's only now, after I've been away from the Great Link myself, that I understand how painful it must have been for you.