63:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Time to Stand" - REV. 7/31/97 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I guess they got tired of looking at our backs. (tired and bitter) Three months of bloody slaughter and what do we have to show for it? Not a damn thing. Engage and retreat. Engage and retreat. Just one time I would've liked to have seen their backs -- SISKO That's enough, Chief. O'BRIEN (still stewing) Sorry, sir. Nothing a little sleep won't cure. DAX We could all use some sleep. What's it been, seventy-eight hours? NOG Shouldn't we have heard something from the Seventh Fleet by now? DAX I wouldn't worry just yet. The Tyra System is far enough away that it's going to take a day or two for any message to reach us. NOG You think they can stop the Dominion? O'BRIEN You're damn right they can. (a beat) Somebody has to. And as they all share that hope --