DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT FIVE 56. 108 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN You know there's going to be an inquest. GARAK So I've been told. But Garak doesn't seem too concerned about that -- something else is weighing heavier: GARAK Chief, I was hoping I could ask a favor. O'BRIEN Don't worry. Once they hear the facts-- But Garak shakes his head. GARAK It's not about that. I'd like you to express my deepest regrets to Amaro's wife. I'd talk to her myself, but I'm not sure she'd welcome that. O'BRIEN I'll tell her. GARAK I'd appreciate that. Another quiet moment. O'BRIEN Julian says the blast broke a few of your ribs. GARAK It could've been worse. If I'd been any closer to that phaser, I would've been killed... O'BRIEN Don't take this the wrong way... but that was the plan. GARAK I understand.