DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 77 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN We're going after Garak. NOG You mean... to kill him? O'BRIEN If that's what it takes to stop him... yes. And off O'Brien's grim resolve -- 78 EXT. SPACE - EMPOK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 79 INT. EMPOK NOR - STATION COMMANDER'S OFFICE START CLOSE ON Garak's face -- GARAK I know you're hiding somewhere. WIDEN TO REVEAL he's on all fours crawling around the room looking for something. GARAK Ah, there you are. He's found a game piece that looks just like one from the Cardassian game we saw in the runabout. Garak stands, moves to the Station Commander's desk, where we see a complete board with most of the pieces in place. Garak takes this last piece and completes the set. He smiles, pleased with himself. GARAK (taps combadge) Garak to Chief O'Brien. You'll never guess what I found... 80 INT. EMPOK NOR - CORRIDOR CLOSE ON O'Brien as he reacts to Garak's voice on the comlink. O'Brien and Nog have been moving down the hallway, commando style, searching for Garak.