DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT THREE 36. 62 INT. EMPOK NOR - CARCO BAY O'Brien is working at an open panel. A few meters away, Nog is guarding the doors. NOG Chief, why does Garak keep bringing up Setlik Three? O'BRIEN Because he wants to get under my skin. NOG But you were a hero, weren't you? O'BRIEN That doesn't mean I like thinking about what happened there. I was a soldier, Nog, and sometimes soldiers have to kill. GARAK (O.S.) Come now, Chief, don't be so modest. Garak's voice has startled Nog, who spins and points his weapon at Garak. GARAK You did a lot of killing. NOG (to Garak) How'd you get in here? Both doors are secure. GARAK "Secure" is such a relative term, wouldn't you agree? Garak pushes the tip of Nog's rifle away so that it no longer points in his direction. GARAK If you don't mind... (to O'Brien) I've brought you something. Garak tosses O'Brien another Third Battalion insignia. GARAK I'm sure Pechetti would've appreciated it more, but... O'BRIEN Where'd you get this?