DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT THREE 35. 56 INT. EMPOK NOR - PROMENADE (AKA HABITAT RING CORRIDOR, SECTION C) A Cardassian soldier moves through the shadows. He stops as he hears the sound of Garak's voice off screen -- GARAK (O.S.) Access denied... access denied. How monotonous. 57 INT. EMPOK NOR - INFIRMARY The soldier stealthily makes his way through the medical bay. He positions himself to one side of the door leading into surgery, then after a beat, swings into -- 58 INT. SURGERY -- only to find the room empty. The monitor is still blinking with the Cardassian lettering... but there's no sign of Garak. The soldier carefully moves around the room, assuring himself that it is indeed empty. He makes a complete sweep, passing by the stasis tubes. We drop off on the closed tube. 59 CLOSE ON THE SMOKED WINDOW a pair of eyes watching. 60 WIDER (OPTICAL) as the tube door flings open and the Cardassian soldier swings around to see Garak -- in the tube -- holding a phaser. GARAK Looking for me? And then Garak FIRES, killing him instantly. 61 ANOTHER ANGLE as Garak allows himself a small smile. GARAK (almost surprised) That felt... good. As Garak steps out of the tube --