DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT THREE 32. 53 CONTINUED: BOQ'TA (trying to control his anxiety) I'm done... O'BRIEN Good. Now you and Amaro get down to auxiliary control and reconfigure the pulse generator. BOQ'TA We're going to split up? O'BRIEN We've got to. If we don't send out a signal, we'll never get off this station. O'Brien can see Boq'ta struggling to get a hold of himself. O'BRIEN I need you, Boq'ta. You can do this. From the Second Level, Amaro speaks up: AMARO (to Boq'ta) Don't worry. I'll watch your back. BOQ'TA (panicky) Stolzoff was supposed to be watching Pechetti's back -- look what happened to them. O'BRIEN What if I send Garak with you, too? Would that make you feel better? Boq'ta looks at Garak -- it's a reassuring thought -- then he nods. GARAK I'm flattered. But I'm afraid I have other plans.