158:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT ONE 22. 31 CONTINUED: GARAK'S COM VOICE Can you come down to the Infirmary? There's something you should see... O'Brien immediately gets to his feet, the seriousness in Garak's voice isn't lost on the chief. O'BRIEN On my way. We follow O'Brien and Stolzoff as they head down the corridor. 32 INT. EMPOK NOR - AIRLOCK Nog makes his way through the airlock towards the docking bay door. He hesitates for a moment as he looks at the door -- something's not right! He dashes up to the door bay window -- 33 NOG'S POV - THRU THE WINDOW (OPTICAL) the Runabout has detached from the station and is drifting away. NOG (uh-oh) That's not right... After a beat, the Runabout EXPLODES into a fireball. 34 CLOSE ON NOGIS FACE as the orange reflected light of the explosion illuminates his expression of alarm. And, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE