129:[5,#b],208:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT ONE 17. 20 INT. EMPOK NOR - PROMENADE To see some of the emergency lights and equipment come to life.. As the lights come on, whatever is "floating" falls to the ground. 21 INT. EMPOK NOR - HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Section by section, the lights come on. 22 INT. EMPOK NOR - SURGERY on the side panels of the chambers, we see a series of SHORTS that SPARK with intense FLASHES of light. After a beat, rows of BLINKIES light up along the panel walls of the chambers. Like a digital V.U. meter, the lights quickly build from red to yellow to green. And with that, the room is flooded with a bright, bluish light emanating from within two of the three chambers. 23 ANGLE ON ONE OF THE CHAMBERS to see inside: a CARDASSIAN SOLDIER lies on a bed of a bluish, gel-like substance. WE MOVE IN CLOSE ON HIS FACE, and after a beat, his eyes POP OPEN. HARD CUT TO: 23A EXT. SPACE - EMPOK NOR (OPTICAL) The Runabout has now docked at the Upper Pylon. 24 INT. EMPOK NOR - UPPER PYLON - AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Although main power has been restored, this is NOT a bright and sunny place. Quite the contrary -- it's dark and shadowy. Garak, out of the space suit, sits on an empty box waiting for O'Brien, Nog and the others to emerge from the airlock, carrying equipment and toolboxes. GARAK Welcome to Empok Nor. O'BRIEN Thanks for having us... GARAK Take whatever you need... my house is your house. As Nog and the four crewmen wait at the intersection to get instructions, Pechetti motions to Amaro.