DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 32. 20 CONTINUED: (5) ZEK (hard) You mean, equal rights for females? QUARK Crazy isn't it? I mean, so what if she wears clothing? Or managed to worm her way into the heart of the most influential Ferengi alive. Those aren't crimes, are they? ZEK Absolutely not. QUARK And what if she is as cunning and ruthless as any male -- that doesn't mean she's not to be trusted, does it? (a beat) The important thing is that she loves you... that you're not just some pawn in her plans for world domination. ZEK World domination? By a female? QUARK It's a horrifying thought. Luckily, they're just rumors. (clapping his hands) Well, time to go. I'll see you tonight, Nagus. (pointed) I know Moogie can hardly wait. ZEK For what? QUARK (all innocence) For you to get home. Quark EXITS, leaving a thoughtful Nagus, who turns to Maihar'du and voices his thoughts: ZEK Now that he mentions it... she really has no business wearing clothes in front of her Nagus...