DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 31. 20 CONTINUED: (3) Quark moves around Maihar'du and approaches the Nagus's throne. QUARK I just stopped by to pay my respects. ZEK Well, in that case, pay them. Quark realizes that he's overlooked Ferengi custom: he takes out a slip of latinum and places it in the slot. ZEK Feel better? Now go. The Nagus stands, preparing to leave. Quark talks fast in order to gain his attention. QUARK Before I do, I just want to say how proud I am that you consider my home, your home. My mother is a very lucky woman. ZEK And I'm a very lucky man. I guess the only one around here who isn't lucky is you. The Nagus LAUGHS at his own joke. Maihar'du joins in, but Quark manages only a smile. QUARK I just think it's great that she's found someone who cares for her so deeply that he can ignore all those vicious rumors about her. ZEK You mean the rumors about her earning profit? I know the whole story -- the F.C.A. forced her to give up every strip of latinum she made. QUARK I'm talking about the other rumors... the ones that say she hasn't given it all back. ZEK (dismissive) Nonsense.