107:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT THREE 28. 19 CONTINUED: BRUNT (Cont'd) I'm telling you, Quark, if we don't do something to end that relationship, you're going to see clothed females walking down the streets of Ferenginar in broad daylight. If I had my way, I'd climb to the top of the Tower of Commerce and denounce your mother to the crowd below. (a sigh) But we must spare the Nagus even a hint of public disgrace. We have to end their relationship... but privately. Quietly. QUARK So what are you going to do? BRUNT I'm not going to do anything. You are. QUARK Me? BRUNT Who else? She's your mother and the Nagus -- for reasons that elude me completely -- likes you. That puts you in the perfect position to poison their relationship. QUARK (indignant) Why should I help you? You were the one that revoked my business license.