DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 24. 17 CONTINUED: The Nagus speaks to both Quark and Ishka in his response. ZEK ... the Bolians have finally agreed to allow the Ferengi Gaming Commission to take over their gambling emporiums... and I've allocated extra funds for research on a new breed of Hupyrian beetles. Those little fellows are going to revolutionize the entire beetle snuff industry. ISHKA Now that's what I call a busy and productive day. QUARK (jumping in) No wonder the Ferengi economy is growing at a record pace... costs are down, profits are up... ZEK ... and opportunity is around every corner. ISHKA Zekkie, you've done quite a job. QUARK And your people love you for it. Your business acumen, your negotiating skills, your kindness and generosity -- ZEK Forget it, Quark. I'm not going to reverse the F.C.A.'s decision. They revoked your Business License and it's up to them to reinstate it. QUARK But you're the most powerful man on Ferenginar. You can do whatever you want. ZEK True. But contracts are the very basis of our society. And you broke a contract with another Ferengi.