DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT TWO 18. 11 CONTINUED: ISHKA Zekkie sent me a very nice thank you note. Before I knew it, we were corresponding regularly. ZEK Your mother's letters became the highlight of each day. It was clear we had to meet. ISHKA Imagine his surprise when he found out I was a female... and your mother, no less. ZEK I almost had a stroke. (gazing lovingly at Ishka) But I recovered. ISHKA And we've been seeing each other ever since. QUARK Does anybody know about this? ZEK Of course no one knows! (leaning forward, threatening) And you're going to keep it that way. QUARK My lips are sealed. ZEK They'd better be. Maihar'du approaches with a tray of food which he sets down in front of the Nagus and Ishka. ISHKA (to Maihar'du) Jellied gree worms... Maihar'du, you're too good to me. Maihar'du pats her on the head in a show of affection. ISHKA (to Quark) He treats me like a queen.