DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - TEASER 6. 3 CONTINUED: (2) ROM You know who I talk to when I'm feeling a little low? QUARK Yeah, me. ROM Not when it's something really important. QUARK (hurt) Let me guess... Chief O'Brien. ROM (wrong) That's not a bad guess. QUARK Rom -- just tell me who it is. That way, you can leave and I can go back to my brooding. ROM (that seems reasonable) There's only one person in my life who's always there for me... who's never too busy to listen... who reassures me when I'm scared... comforts me when I'm sad... and who showers me with endless love, without ever asking anything in return. LEETA (impressed) I'd like to meet this person... QUARK So would I. ROM (putting his hand on Quark's shoulder) You already know her. And she'll always be there for you, Brother... with open arms. We PUSH IN on Quark as he realizes whom Rom is talking about.