DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT FIVE 52. 59 CONTINUED: BASHIR Fine. Do what you want. But you're making a mistake. Regardless of what Ghemor's done in the past, he doesn't deserve to die alone. (a beat) No one does. Bashir EXITS. Kira looks at the door as it closes behind him. We hear the SOUNDS of EXCITED VOICES and suddenly, we... CUT TO: 60 EXT. OUTSIDE THE BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - DAY Kira, Furel and two other resistance fighters approach the entrance to the Resistance Base. Furel looks tired, but excited. Things couldn't have gone better. FUREL All four mortar rounds right in the central compound. And the way they ran... It was like kicking over a mound of barrowbugs. Kira's more subdued. She was exhausted before she went on the raid. Now it's all she can do to keep moving. KIRA What was the count? FUREL Five skimmers destroyed. At least fifteen Cardassians dead. Not a bad day's work. We should celebrate. But Kira doesn't share Furel's enthusiasm. KIRA They kill us... we kill them. It's nothing worth celebrating. 61 INT. BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - DAY Kira and Furel ENTER the base, where they're immediately met by Gantt.