DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT FOUR 48. 55 CONTINUED: TABAN (fearful) I can hear the Prophets calling me. I can feel my pagh slipping away. Just then, three of Kira's fellow Shakaar resistance fighters approach them, led by Furel. FUREL Nerys. Kira turns toward Furel. FUREL We found them. Cardassian Heavy Weapons Unit, Third Assault Group, Ninth Order. Kira's at the end of her rope. If anything, talking to Furel about her father's attackers is a welcome distraction from the torment of watching him suffer. KIRA (to her father) Hold on. I'll be right back. She stands up to talk to Furel. KIRA How far? FUREL Just outside of Tempasa. 56 CLOSE ON KIRA She looks back at her father, who's being attended by one of the other cell members, a young soldier named GANTT. Taban's a whimpering mess, painful to look at.