15:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 48 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Ghemor is asleep. Kira is quietly going through the motions of caring for Ghemor, but something's changed. The perennial look of concern that's been on her face since this whole ordeal started has been replaced by a stony mask. Right now she's mechanically replenishing Ghemor's medication. (Sharp eyes may notice she's no longer wearing the bracelet Ghemor gave her.) GHEMOR (O.S.) (a croak) Nerys. Kira's already in a bad mood and doesn't want to deal with Ghemor. KIRA I'll be right there. Kira keeps working for a beat, then there's a CRASHING SOUND off screen. 49 NEW ANGLE To reveal Ghemor half off his bed, tangled in the medical equipment. Some of the lines leading to his arms have been pulled loose. KIRA (impatient) Now what? GHEMOR I was... thirsty. Kira realizes he was trying to reach the water pitcher, which lies shattered on the floor. KIRA (angry) Just sit back... Kira tries to help Ghemor back onto the bed, but he's snarled up in all the wires and lines which connect his body to the med tech. KIRA You're all tangled up. GHEMOR I'm sorry.