DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT THREE 38. 46 CONTINUED: DUKAT Your defense of Ghemor is admirable. But did it ever occur to you, you might be fighting the wrong battle? Do you recall the massacre at the Kiessa Monastery? She clearly does. And the association isn't pleasant. KIRA Kiessa? What's that got to do with Ghemor? Dukat puts the PADD down on a table and slides it to her. DUKAT See for yourself. That is his official military record. You can verify everything on it with Bajoran Intelligence if you like. Kira's anger overcomes her exhaustion. She's got a growing suspicion of what she might find on the PADD. KIRA You're enjoying this, aren't you? All these sick little games. DUKAT I have to admit, I get a certain perverse pleasure out of it. Read it or not. It's up to you. Dukat turns to leave, Kira throws her teacup at him. It shatters against the wall. KIRA I promise you, Dukat, I'm going to make you pay for this one day. DUKAT Maybe. But not today. Dukat EXITS.