DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT TWO 28. 29 CONTINUED: KIRA I'm here. Ghemor's in severe pain. The disease is progressing rapidly and his condition is markedly worse. GHEMOR (struggling to get out the words) Ask me questions, Nerys. We don't have much time. Kira takes his hand. KIRA You were talking about the Supreme Tribunal. Ghemor seizes on this. GHEMOR Yes... yes. The Tribunal. (trying hard to focus) The Chief Archon tried to resist the Dominion takeover... And as Ghemor uses the questioning to distract himself from the pain, we... CUT TO: 30 INT. OPS A buzz with activity. Dax, O'Brien and Worf are at their stations. Sisko ENTERS from his office. SISKO Status report. WORF A Jem'Hadar battleship is approaching the station. DAX (off readouts) Its weapons are armed and its targeting systems are active. SISKO Red Alert. All crewmembers report to battle stations. The RED ALERT lights activate.