DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT TWO 22. 22 CONTINUED: (2) GHEMOR Probably Dukat's most powerful enemy is Gul Trepar, the head of the Fourth Order. He... Ghemor freezes up as he's hit by a sharp wave of pain. KIRA What's wrong? Unlike previous attacks, Ghemor can't shake this one off. He grits his teeth and manages to get out a single word. GHEMOR Button. Kira realizes that Ghemor's referring to the device which administers the pain medication. She grabs the button and pushes it as quickly as she can. Ghemor relaxes a little. KIRA Better? Ghemor nods, but it's clear he's still concentrating on containing the pain. KIRA Maybe I can get Doctor Bashir to give you something stronger. GHEMOR No. Anything stronger and I'd be unconscious... And you and I have a lot to talk about. (gathers his strength) Where were we? KIRA Trepar. Ghemor nods and settles back in his bed. He has a lot of ground to cover and he wants to get through as much of it as he can. GHEMOR Trepar. Trepar used to outrank Dukat and he's not happy to be taking orders from one of his former subordinates.