DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT TWO 21. 22 CONTINUED: GHEMOR (speaking with difficulty) Nerys... Ghemor struggles to sit up, but his effort obviously causes him tremendous pain. KIRA Don't try to move. GHEMOR Mouth's dry. Kira looks around. She's sees a pitcher of water and some glasses on a nearby table. KIRA I'll get you some water. Kira nervously pours a glass and brings it to Ghemor. He takes it, but when he tries to take a drink, the tangle of IV lines and other med tech make it awkward and he ends up spilling. KIRA Careful. Kira gently takes the glass and pours it into his mouth. But the breathing tubes get in the way and she ends up spilling too. KIRA Damn it. I'm sorry. Kira puts the glass down and tries to clean up the spill. GHEMOR It's all right. You're doing fine. (fighting against the pain) Maybe we should get started. Kira nods. She takes out a small RECORDING DEVICE and activates it. KIRA Session One, Stardate 50712.5.