DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ties of Blood... " - REV. 2/14/97 - ACT ONE 16. 15 CLOSE ON KIRA As she considers her situation and suddenly we... FLASH CUT TO: 16 INT. BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - NIGHT We see the scene in a series of FLASH CUTS, a jumble of images like fragments of memory. 16A CLOSE ON A BAJORAN MAN Crossing in front of the camera, carrying a disruptor rifle. 16B CLOSE ON A BAJORAN WOMAN She's wounded, her face contorted in pain. 16C CLOSE ON A RACK OF GUNS As people reach in and grab weapons. 16D CLOSE ON A SMALL CAVE ALCOVE With a bed in it. Though this is clearly someone's living space, there's no one there. A glass of liquid lies toppled on the ground, kicked over in haste, and a puddle slowly spreads around it. 16E NEW ANGLE Another armed Bajoran crosses in front of the camera. 16F CLOSE ON THE BAJORAN WOMAN As a Bajoran Medic comes to her aid. She's moved off camera. 16G NEW ANGLE We follow two Bajorans as they ENTER the cave, a WOUNDED MAN in their arms. One of the Bajorans is Kira's old friend FUREL ("The Darkness and the Light"), looking younger and more robust than the last time we saw him. He even has both arms, so the events we're seeing predate the loss of his left hand.