DEEP SPACE NINE: "Business as... " - REV. 1/30/97 - ACT FIVE 55. 47 CONTINUED: Quark gets up and starts to leave. Hagath stops him, grabbing his arm. QUARK I just need to get a descrambler. And while I'm at it, I'll get a bottle of champagne -- to celebrate. HAGATH Forget the champagne. Just get back here as quickly as you can. QUARK Whatever you say. Quark moves off quickly. Hagath puts on a smile for the Regent, who glowers back. HAGATH He'll be right back. 48 INT. CORRIDOR - OUTSIDE CARGO BAY FIVE Quark comes out of the Cargo Bay. The doors close just as Gaila, General Nassuc and her bodyguards appear down the corridor. GAILA Quark, where are you going? QUARK I'll be right back. (to the General) I just need to get a descrambler. The General looks to Gaila, who puts on a salesman's smile, and gestures courteously for her to enter the Bay. GAILA After you. Quark waits for them to disappear inside and then hurries away. A beat, and we hear the sound of phaser fire inside the Cargo Bay. 48A INT. PROMENADE Quark hurriedly emerges from the turbolift on the far end of the Promenade and heads for his bar, slowing his pace to avoid attracting any attention.