DEEP SPACE NINE: "Business as... " - REV. 1/30/97 - ACT FOUR 46. 36 CONTINUED: DAX Relax, Quark. Quark steps back from Dax, looking around, trying to make sense of everything. Everyone in the bar is dead. He spots Jake by the dabo table... he rushes over. QUARK Jake -- Jake glares at him, cutting short anything he was going to say. JAKE Way to go, Quark. I had my whole life ahead of me. QUARK I didn't do anything. DAX You killed us all. QUARK (nervously) Hold on, now. You can't blame me. Suddenly, a dead Kira is standing beside him. KIRA Deny it all you want... but you're responsible. Then practically overlapping: SISKO I hope it was worth it... DAX How much latinum did they pay you, Quark? KIRA Enough to buy a new conscience?