DEEP SPACE NINE: "Business as... " - REV. 1/30/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 33 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Very well. But then I want him out of there. (to the others) Don't you people have work to do? O'Brien, Dax and Kira exchange glances as Sisko walks off. 34 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 35 INT. PROMENADE The Promenade is completely empty except for Quark, who walks down the corridor towards his bar. We follow him inside 36 INT. QUARK'S Quark ENTERS the crowded bar, filled with the usual bar activity. However, things aren't quite normal... Quark barely gets through the door when he collides with a Starfleet Officer, they both step back and we reveal the officer is Sisko -- except Sisko looks like he's been dead for three days and has a chest wound the size of a football. QUARK Captain -- SISKO Hello, Quark. QUARK You don't look so good. SISKO That's because I'm dead. A confused and frightened Quark looks over and sees Dax by the bar. QUARK (looking for help) Dax. Dax turns around -- she looks as dead as Sisko.