DEEP SPACE NINE: "Business as... " - REV. 1/30/97 - ACT TWO 25. 19 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) Even looked the other way once or twice when I could've come down hard on you. But those days are over. We may not be able to get you for selling weapons... but you so much as litter on the Promenade and I'm going to nail you to the wall. Without waiting for a response, Sisko EXITS. Quark swallows as Kira steps up to him. KIRA Something to look forward to. Then she too, EXITS. Odo wants to wash his hands of this whole affair. ODO (to Quark) You heard them. Now, get out of my sight. Now that Sisko is out of the room, he refuses to be intimidated. QUARK What's wrong with you people? Don't you know how to lose with dignity? And with that, he departs. 20 INT. HAGATH'S QUARTERS Quark, Hagath and Gaila are seated, chatting comfortably, looking very pleased with themselves. There is definitely a "team" atmosphere amongst the trio. GAILA (a fond memory) I'll never forget how many people told us we were making a mistake. "Sell weapons to the Bajorans?" HAGATH "What chance do they have?" they said. "Invest in a winner, sell to the Cardassians."