14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Business as... " - REV. 1/30/97 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 14 INT. HAGATH'S QUARTERS (VPB) Quark has just ENTERED to find Hagath seated at a table monitor. The monitor is displaying an alien stock exchange (much like Quark was viewing in the Teaser). On the sofa, Talura is doing the twenty-fourth century equivalent of manicuring her nails. QUARK You wanted to see me? HAGATH (still focused on the screen) Just a moment. Some numbers scroll across the screen, Hagath smiles, pleased with himself. HAGATH Who would have thought there was so much money to be made in Andarian glass beads. (then, to Quark) So how did things go with the Proxcinians? QUARK He purchased seven thousand tritanium-plated assault skimmers. HAGATH (pleased) Good. And he'll be back for more. The Proxcinian War is just heating up. QUARK (trying to please) Lucky us. Hagath reaches over, grabs a PADD and hands it to Quark. HAGATH I suppose you're wondering when you'll start seeing your share of the profits. QUARK It had crossed my mind.